Simple But Effective Weight Loss Exercises At Home

Excessive folds around the abdomen are not only an aesthetic problem, but also dangerous to health. According to an American study by the Women's Health Initiative, people with excess waist fat are 3 times more susceptible to cardiovascular disease than lean people.

Causes of fatty deposits in the abdomen

Abdominal fat deposits can accumulate for a variety of reasons. The most common of these are:

  • A diet high in trans fats and sugars. The World Health Organization recommends consuming no more than 6-7 teaspoons of sugar per day.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Hormonal changes such as during menopause.
  • ᲡTress. Under the influence of stress, the body produces the hormone cortisol, which can lead to a deterioration in nutrient metabolism. In this connection, fat begins to actively accumulate in the abdomen.
  • Inadequate sleep (less than 6-7 hours a day).

Whatever the reasons for the appearance of excess fat, its removal is necessary only through complex measures. With lifestyle changes, special attention should be paid to specific exercises.

A set of effective exercises

Abdominal slimming exercises

Before you start doing abdominal slimming exercises at home, you need to warm up. It can be jogging on the ground, jumping rope, bending the sides, sitting down.

Twist the plank

It is necessary to stand on the side strip, resting one elbow on the floor. Slowly turn your body down. Do 10-15 spins for each hand.

Leg lift

This abdominal weight loss exercise is considered to be one of the most effective at home. You do not need special equipment to perform this. You can use the carpet for convenience.

Take the starting position lying on the floor, on your back. Raise both legs at a 50-degree angle at the same time. Hold for 2 seconds and gently lower to the floor.

Raise the knees

The starting position is standing on the floor. For stability, you can rest your hand on the back of the chair. Raise your legs bent at the knees as close to your body as possible. Perform 10 times for each leg.


Get in the starting position: Lie on the mat, legs straight, hands behind his back in the lock. Stretch your left elbow and right knee towards each other at the same time. Exercise the bike slowly, try to feel the tension in the abdominal muscles.


You can do the exercise while lying on your back or standing. Start with your own feelings of comfort. Exhale air from the lungs, hold your breath for 2 seconds and insert as much as possible into the abdomen. Hold this position for as long as possible. Over time, one compression should last at least 20 seconds. Exhale slowly and relax your abdomen. You should do 10-15 repetitions.

Vacuum can be done every day at least, the main thing is to exercise on an empty stomach and after warming up.